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[英文] Article 冠詞 [複製鏈接]

(1) The words "a", "an", "the" are called "articles". We use the articles "a" and "an" before a noun to show that the quantity of the noun is one. + u: o% f! A1 r& k
「冠詞」是指 "a", "an", "the" 這三個字。如果一個名詞的數量只有一個,我們可以用 "a" 或 "an" 這兩個「冠詞」放在名詞前面。
* ~8 }* c8 Q4 b1 l0 W: Y
  g" }8 v! }+ U, e0 P- g/ R% w# i$ I(2) We use the article "the" to refer to the noun specifically.
9 D% o4 y) d9 W% }4 x! S我們會使用 "the" 這個冠詞來表示某個特定的名詞。
% W1 S+ |+ r1 e1 F1 O) T  X
' P$ o* v' S+ |" Y' `% ]8 LFor example 例如:/ S8 B5 F% j% J
I want to buy a new pen.2 d. S# N0 X) k5 A
(我想買一支新的原子筆。任何一支新的原子筆都可以,沒有特定的。) - l! P1 S3 O8 w
I want to buy the new blue pen.- X1 H2 c5 \9 }! \1 y" m6 O" S0 }
(我想買那支新的藍原子筆。說話者指向某支特定的藍原子筆,有特定的意思。)* \5 g' X. Z" f: I+ x) w
" y, G) {: u5 C0 y
I have eaten an egg." k) c6 a0 }0 t; V) V
(我吃了一隻蛋。沒有特定指是哪隻蛋,只是提出所吃的是一隻蛋。) / Z3 y; X2 g- C9 }; b8 {( i5 R
I have eaten the two eggs in my bowl.
; o5 w! }2 x, Z3 `) Y(我吃了我碗裡的那兩隻蛋。說話者指向碗裡的那兩隻特定的蛋,有特定的意思。) ( O4 W! ^, D2 }+ [- A/ [

# f7 `% P4 w" }5 ]8 S  G8 u(3) If the word after the article begins with a vowel (i.e. the sounds "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"), we use the article "an". Otherwise, we use the article "a".
, @/ g& B9 d2 n$ @& r, n如果在冠詞後的那個英文字是以響音開首的 (即 a, e, i, o, u 這些音),我們便用 "an",否則,我們會用 "a"。5 G. Y# L! L  M' e

: X+ I6 H+ u! [0 fExamples 例子:* ~1 O1 N$ W/ O2 Z7 ^7 \* J
There is an elephant in the zoo.
  I! ?9 D$ c5 b- FThere is a big elephant in the zoo.; \  ]& K) A4 x/ _& X: Y

; p' {4 A. z  {(4) We can use the article "the" for persons, places or things which are unique.
" L6 ]2 `. E) J+ ^$ V% I如果所指的人物、地方或東西是獨特的,我們會用 "the" 這冠詞。
# ^& u: E$ u2 c# T' Y; d4 }1 R( }  d  K4 j7 e4 ~. n; l/ Y$ w
For examples 例如:2 V+ n# |% x0 q! V
the Earth 地球7 ], L3 }7 y* ]- }
the Moon 月亮" k+ j0 Q0 k* Q& j3 R2 M; W% @0 \
the east 東面
. N- M) @3 b8 v* M+ S: X2 J8 Xthe west 西面
* v) A" m* A6 q- Q8 Y" ^* @2 n* vthe Principal 校長8 |1 N  G1 N/ A3 C% V
the President 會長或總統
2 G3 y& H" ]' mthe world 世界  _2 T4 A2 G1 y1 W' q
the Queen 皇后2 K. R% q) s/ b# k
: p' H! O. e( T& r( H* K
(5) Remember we also use the article "the" when using "superlative adjectives".
4 V0 t: }/ D) [3 i記著我們在最高級形容詞前面也需要加上 "the" 這字的。  [3 U0 r" s2 W
For example 例如:& g) m. _1 K1 k: N9 D& u. u
My brother is the tallest one in my family.' }6 S/ m1 m2 f/ I  Y+ U

7 c0 F  G8 @9 V3 s+ P: L(6) We also use the article "the" to show priorities: % c8 g4 _( _( O+ R3 ~% M
我們也會用 "the" 來表示先後次序 :
( Q4 B* A* X" AFor example 例如:, Y$ A2 j' ^/ ^% t8 m
the first lesson 第一堂
; U4 j' ~7 w# |; F8 t+ Kthe third page 第三頁
1 ]8 d0 d2 w8 B! p) c- O& h. F! \1 A& tthe sixth prize 第六名! N& N. [6 K- t% d1 _

' A) q% y2 x9 }  E(7) We use "a" or "an" for the person or thing you mention the first time, then we use "the" when you mention that person or thing again.- i' ?) ^$ Y6 \
當我們第一次提及某人或物時,我們會用 "a" 或 "an" 放在那名詞前。然後,當我們再次提起該人或物時,我們便要用 "the"。
, W; _; {: O% {# m9 P; u5 R0 O) Y% L5 @% D$ L/ L+ F
For example 例如:: H7 D6 l3 r: b; j; W
I see a cat on the street. The cat is black but it has a white tail. The tail is very long.
4 U. l' I; o2 C/ C( M) v: C/ p; x: }( }
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