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[無圖菜譜] 葡萄乾餅乾

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發表於 2023-12-29 09:29:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
無鹽發酵奶油* d' v9 _4 w+ P  s0 R
/ S- X' F" Q. T" Q5 p2 S細砂糖1 {& ~4 d& |# Z0 i/ c, c
80公克, R! [. }7 |, [
蛋白(約1顆雞蛋)) t+ C" M# L! J9 k: K) D
# P8 w6 Q4 a. ]. _0 D& r低筋麵粉
/ U8 F0 P* w/ R, {4 n175公克
. A1 m2 J8 b+ k玉米粉
- `! g* N% Y7 z5 |# R10公克; L' d( B# c! B# z2 R. Y3 N& W
葡萄乾& T( C6 B( I+ ]3 h
各30公克3 g% N& ^6 A* u, E

( p1 K1 t8 k, u2 e  t6 H; I
( i. H+ a4 N; R' a6 Y0 Q無鹽發酵奶油切小塊/ w# T- i1 ?0 k( p8 H2 ?
unsalted fermented butter cut into small pieces+ J6 Q9 V& K, k' \7 @8 N: O2 |8 Y& a8 F
加入細砂糖7 V6 E# M0 p0 G( y
add caster sugar0 e& E0 I' @+ t5 f; H+ O7 y
8 W  Q( {) D1 w/ bMix the butter and sugar with an electric mixer, and beat until it is feathery and slightly whitish! A7 j" V7 ]+ l/ m# s2 ]
加入蛋白7 Z5 b, n5 F! m: l' i9 d
add protein9 p( e2 P7 r7 l8 s$ ~
繼續攪拌至完全乳化7 v0 ~) ?' N. ^. U+ S  P; G( J" g
Continue stirring until fully emulsified) G, v' V1 q" k$ u% f% x

. Y  y- N: {6 i9 p2 c; R- I! ^' A' x9 }- O$ f0 X! ]
0 r5 h/ Z& b! T+ iPour the low-gluten flour into the sieve4 C* t6 ]) U, b
玉米粉也一併倒入篩網2 a: ]0 }+ K4 ~6 j% G
Corn flour is also poured into the sieve& _+ k# Q. e. x. f! P) s9 T
將低筋麵粉及玉米粉過篩,加入奶油中" G# n) `+ Y, r. ~  F% E) w9 u
Sift the low-gluten flour and corn flour and add to the cream
2 A. t  I' b# F6 t, @4 R用划刀的切拌方式混合奶油與麵粉
. I0 T! W, I+ A3 V' o9 K9 m# TMix the butter and flour with a knife& m1 U* u$ e8 Z" {- {) m
) p5 E! k: p7 x! p3 MMix until no dry flour is visible  U" E5 W" m' r, y

& o; ~9 B" R2 y) {1 i- j, {2 v$ E7 }0 j! H
果乾切成小塊+ v( l2 ~" k$ M
dried fruit cut into small pieces9 Z8 t/ u$ G6 l9 j$ ?$ q) t% t
將餅乾麵團分兩份,每份約198公克% t) H. J3 {9 X; y: H+ H6 {
Divide the biscuit dough into two portions, about 198 grams each4 L/ |' t7 V) Q4 Q7 V% A+ a
將果乾加入兩個不同的麵團2 r. @1 W$ m( {8 H
Add dried fruit to two different doughs& t; P; {/ x/ T2 \* i, U
9 G" Z! N. a" U3 gMixed dried fruit and dough+ Q, f1 Q# K2 d6 \/ E3 E$ c
3 t: ?7 Z) a* G0 v4 N2 eShape the dough into a cylinder or a long strip (the dough should be refrigerated for 30 minutes for better operation)1 f0 j( z) h- ?- u7 M3 X% G
% H+ G9 @# P7 B, Z4 n, OWrap the shaped dough in parchment paper and refrigerate for 3-4 hours
( o" [7 W  n/ J3 q# n. I/ \6 w7 K1 Q冷藏後取出餅乾麵團切成厚0.5公分的片狀2 T% H0 \8 `; V% _9 C4 n) w
After refrigerating, take out the biscuit dough and cut into 0.5 cm thick slices( h- U" c$ p/ h" y
% }, F. A$ Z; Z$ ZArrange the cut biscuits on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper1 ]# `0 _3 K0 E1 J) n: r6 E
烤箱預熱至160度,烘烤15分鐘$ _! J- E  r4 L! ~/ t
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 15 minutes
0 J% v' Y7 ^% @* |4 \烘烤結束取出放涼
- h# F) c  `1 R1 vAfter baking, take it out and let it coo
  I6 U$ u& s0 K& O$ a/ Y7 o  i& {' E- k
3 A+ v2 v1 Q* P" S  }- A


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